Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Today we are going to see a new topic: the Design of architectural lighting for the exterior of buildings.
Gaudí said,
«Architecture is the arrangement of light; Sculpture is the game of light ».
Why the light?
Since the human being left the cave and began to build, the light became paramount. Even in mortuary constructions, such as dolmens, it was already used as a theatrical provider. Currently, architectural lighting continues to have a major weight in the design and finishing of buildings and cities. Together with other elements, such as materials, shapes and spaces, it helps buildings to convey a specific concept or feeling.
But is there only the lighting inside the buildings? The exterior lighting is part of the overall concept of the formalization of an architectural piece.
The lighting of building facades is of equal importance to the use of light indoors. So why not do it right? Why not integrate it into architectural designs?
Light types
The difference of the light according to its sources allows deciding the type of effect that you want to apply to the exteriors.
There are two types:
·        the incident light
·        diffuse light
The incident light is that which comes from a point source of light, such as a direct focus or the natural source par excellence, the sun.
On the other hand, there is diffused light, which comes from large luminous surfaces, light sources or the reflection of an incident light on a surface. In this case, the sunlight over the clouds makes it diffuse.
Architectural lighting as an icon
New York has always been the most paradigmatic example of the use of urban light. Its night skyline is world famous.
Currently, it is in China where the new generation of architectural lighting is located. While in New York there is a predominance of white light, in Singapore there is an area, where the lights are used in a completely different way.
The light in the landscaping
The use of light in some architectural creations of landscaping is of importance to the environment and gives the light a new sense of theatricality. In addition, it is essential to be able to live, enjoy and admire as a whole created, especially at night.
Some tips for outdoor lighting are:
- Decide the effect you want to cause. Above all, if you only want it to be functional, only aesthetic or both at the same time. It is very important to know the activities to be carried out and when they will be carried out, where, how and for what purpose you want to obtain the projection and light effect.
- Weigh the possibility of playing with colors, textures, projections and powers. The wealth of the whole will be greater with new elements.
However, there are lighting projects that must be characterized by their aesthetic cleanliness and sobriety. In these cases, excess focal points and light load should be avoided.
- Use of shadows. Combination of light and dark to produce certain effects.
- Environmental care. There is a wide range of efficient lamps, energy saving light bulbs, low cost and long durability.
The conception of a unitary project, construction and architectural lighting is of paramount importance.
An example is the new way to illuminate events or conferences, giving a better user experience to the attendees through the light.
Another model that is booming and is completely new for the hospitality sector, is how to get the user to integrate and interact with the local through technology.

Important things to know - Aluminium composite panel is the best option for your Architectural and building designs.

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